Monday, January 3, 2011

"Judicial hellhole" status not reason to trust insurance companies?

The 2010/2011 report on "judicial hellholes" -- showing South Florida at #4 -- appears at this link:

In a letter published by the Sun Sentinel, Broward plaintiff attorney Gary Farmer writes an opposing view to the claim that Florida is a "judicial hellhole."  Farmer, who is also an officer of the Florida Justice Association, writes:  "Earlier this month, the insurance industry spin machine started up again. If you believe them, every woe in our state — from traffic in South Florida to the cold weather in the Panhandle — is somehow the result of lawsuits. Some even call Florida a 'judicial hellhole,' claiming that Florida can lower costs for consumers and create jobs simply by reducing lawsuits.  Well, ask yourself this one question: Why in the world would you trust anything your insurance company says? Here are the facts: . . . "

Farmer's letter appears at this link:,0,3953007,print.story

Perry Cone practices insurance, compliance and government law, and provides consulting to in-house counsel, from the Tallahassee office of GrayRobinson. He writes from his perspective as a former general counsel, legal executive, and leader in the Florida insurance industry.

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