Sunday, February 27, 2011

Burt and Cone quoted in Daytona Beach Post-Journal

Tom Knox of the Daytona Beach News-Journal, a recent transplant from Ohio, did a nice job of beginning to get his arms around Senate Bill 408 and other property insurance reforms working their way through the Florida Legislature.  His ultimate question is whether the bill will sufficiently impact cost drivers and reduce the pressure on rate increases.  He quotes, among others, Security First's Melissa Burt and GrayRobinson's Perry Cone:
"It's a good start," said Melissa Burt, general counsel for Ormond Beach-based home insurer Security First. "I wouldn't say it's a win for any particular group, but it represents a lot of things talked about in the last couple of years."
. . . . Will the bill eventually lower my rates? . . . Perry Cone, former general counsel for Citizens who now does private work in Tallahassee, said it's too early to tell what kind of impact it will have. . . . "What the legislation looks to do is to make certain that rates aren't too out of proportion," he said
Legislation reforms claims process, in Daytona Beach Post-Journal, Feb. 27, 2011.

This summary was prepared by Perry Cone and is posted at

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