Sunday, January 15, 2012

Demotech's Florida property insurance reports

Two reports related to Florida's property insurance market have been released by Demotech, Inc., a financial analysis firm.  Last month's report is Impact of Storms on the Florida Property Insurance Market 1990-2010 (Dec. 2011), which reflects Demotech's research of "the tropical cyclones that impacted Florida over the past twenty years and how these cyclones influenced the insurance industry and the success of Florida insurance companies."  See Demotech abstract.

This month's release is Comparative Expense Study of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Jan. 2012), which finds that "expense levels of Citizens compare favorably to other property writers focused in a single state."  According to the abstract:
"Demotech, Inc. has completed an analysis of the relative historical expense levels reported by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, 47 carriers dedicated to Florida’s property insurance marketplace as well as 77 private, single state insurers focused on the property insurance marketplace in states other than Florida.  It is our observation that the expense levels of Citizens compare favorably to other property writers focused in a single state due to its unique corporate structure, as approved by the Florida Financial Services Commission."  See Demotech abstract.
This summary was prepared by Perry Cone and posted at

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