Sunday, July 29, 2012

Resource library updated - P&C and Health Insurance

If you haven't visited it recently, the 2012 Resource Library has been updated. June-July additions marked with an * include the following resources:
  • Citizens SB408 sinkhole savings actuarial analysis, depopulation committee exhibits, and 2013 rate filings exhibits (bottom of heading no. 2. Citizens).
  • OIR's Order suspending prior-approval requirement for P&C form filings (bottom of heading no. 4. Property Insurance).
  • State of the Florida Homeowners’ Insurance Market presentation by OIR Commissioner Kevin McCarty (bottom of heading no. 5. General Insurance).
  • Health insurance presentations by OIR to the Florida Health Insurance Advisory Board (bottom of heading no. 9 Health Care).
This summary was prepared by Perry Cone and posted at

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