Sunday, April 10, 2011

PIP reform snagged in Senate

Bills to reform Florida's personal injury protection (PIP) insurance came to an unexpected halt after more than an hour of testimony and debate before the Senate Banking & Insurance Committee, during week 5 of the Florida Legislative Session.  Both the PIP fraud bill (S 1930) and the PIP legal reform bill (S 1694) were scheduled for the meeting, but only one (the fraud bill) was vetted, and no votes were taken.

Most of the meeting was taken up by public criticism of the bill expressed by plaintiff attorneys.  Both bills are again scheduled to heard this week (week 6) before the Senate Banking & Insurance Committee.

For more on last week and the bills, see Florida PIP Reform Bills Stall In Senate and Couldn’t Treat “Your Dog,” Says DIF Director About PIP Clinics; PIP Reform Bills Keep Moving.

This summary was prepared by Perry Cone and posted at

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