Thursday, June 30, 2011

Florida graded "F" in P&C regulatory environment

The Heartland Institute has handed Florida a grade of "F" for its property and casualty insurance regulatory environment.  See Article: Property & Casualty Insurance Report Card, 2011 Edition.  Joining Florida in the "F" category were Texas, California, and Hawaii.

In grading the 50 states for their P&C environments, The Heartland had two focuses:  (1) How free are consumers to choose the property and casualty insurance products they want?  And (2) how free are insurers to provide the property and casualty insurance products consumers say they want?

As a qualification, The Heartland said that the study "focuses largely on regulatory environments" and that a "grade of 'F' is not an attack on a state’s insurance department."  The full report is available at the following link:  2011 Property and Casualty Insurance: A state-by-state analysis of regulatory burden.

Personally, I see visible signs that Florida is making progress (in the Legislature and by the regulators), which hopefully will be reflected in a better score in 2012.  I find Florida's insurance regulators (at least most with whom I deal) to be professionally courteous, responsive and increasingly practical.  If "customer service" were scored, a much higher grade should be given.

This summary was prepared by Perry Cone and posted at

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